Faster, Easier, Objective
MSK Analysis
in Seconds

Quickly capture complete and objective range of motion measurements. Confirm your insights. Simple copy/paste into the patient record.

So you can focus on your patient.

“This technology is a game changer in its ability to accurately 3D map human movement in seconds.”

Joel Riemenschneider, DPT, MBA, Senior Director | Ambulatory Services Rehab at Orlando Health

How does it work?

Record your patient’s movements using a single camera.

Record your patient in seconds

Review ROM dashboard and 3D body scan visualizations

Copy/paste all data into the patient record

Kinotek’s proprietary biomechanics processor delivers complete, accurate metrics and amazing 3D visuals.

Kinotek makes it easy.

Standardize your functional movement assessments with consistent, objective data.

Deeper Movement Analysis Insights. No Fuss Documentation.

Immersive 3D Visuals
View your patient’s movement from any angle to gain insights.

Simple Documentation
Copy/paste all data directly into the patient record.

Progress Over Time
Quantify improvement with functional movement assessment data.

What does it measure? The complete kinetic chain.

Data Points
Per Visual



Most Popular Movements


Overhead Squat

Single Leg Squat

Sit to Stand

Shoulder Abduction

Shoulder Rotation

Shoulder Flexion

Cervical Rotation

Cervical Extension

Cervical Flexion

Cervical Side Flexion

Thoracolumbar Extension

Thoracolumbar Flexion

Thoracic Side Flexion (Seated)

Thoracic Rotation (Seated)

Lunge Forward

Lunge Reverse

Lunge Split

New movements upon request

Revolutionizing Physical Therapy Technology: The Impact of Kinotek's Objective Testing in Clinical Practice

An interview with Denis Donovan, Physical Therapist at Sloane Stecker.

Patient Progress Report

Show patients and referring providers progress with the Movement Health Report.


Objective Data


Boost Patient

Start your faster, easier MSK analysis today.